Ground level decks are built on the first floor of a house, and are a useful to extend the floor space and creating a seamless transition from the interior to the exterior. The basic components of a ground level deck are the beams, joists, ledger, and the decking boards. Usually, decks are installed parallel to the house, but it is primarily for appearance and not a requirement.

Rooftop decks provide a great way to take advantage of every part of your house, as well as providing an incredible view. This type of deck is especially popular in urban areas.

Flush decks are built with the same basic elements of a deck, but the installation is done with the deck structure underground so that the decking planks are flush with the ground. The main issue with flush decks is moisture and thus the rotting of the deck frame. It is important to address drainage and the protective strip such as joist tape or ledger tape that is applied to the frame during construction.

An elevated deck is useful for multistory homes or elevated homes. An elevated deck will require stairs.


Rooftop decks provide a great way to take advantage of every part of your house, as well as providing an incredible view. This type of deck is especially popular in urban areas.


Flush decks are built with the same basic elements of a deck, but the installation is done with the deck structure underground so that the decking planks are flush with the ground. The main issue with flush decks is moisture and thus the rotting of the deck frame. It is important to address drainage and the protective strip such as joist tape or ledger tape that is applied to the frame during construction.

An elevated deck is useful for multistory homes or elevated homes. An elevated deck will require stairs.


An elevated deck is useful for multistory homes or elevated homes. An elevated deck will require stairs.


A multi-level deck has various the deck frame at various heights usually connects by steps or stairs. There are multiple reasons why one would build a multi-level deck, for example if the deck is connected to a part of the house that is not at ground level or to add interesting movement.

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